SunChef Solar Oven
Country in which the innovation is available:
Name of the innovation:
SunChef Solar Oven
Metalac market
CRT Category:
Energy; Equipment and Furniture
What is this innovation about?
The SunChef Solar Oven exploits solar energy to cook food, making it a sustainable solution for off-grid areas and outdoor activities. It looks like a small suitcase and it’s easy to carry, making it an affordable, easy-to-use alternative cooking method when it’s not possible to rely on gas or firewood. This innovation supports green tourism and environmental sustainability.
What’s in it for a tourism SME?
Tourism SMEs become capable to cook food for staff and guests when it’s not possible to rely on gas, power grids or firewood. SunChef Solar Oven also provides a unique selling point by promoting an eco-friendly practice that can be embedded in sustainable travel activities or other experiences, such as outdoor cooking classes or events. Meanwhile, it can reduce energy costs as well.
Consider that:
The SunChef Solar Oven requires minimal investments and can bring significant benefits in terms of flexibility of cooking operations in outdoor and remote settings. Such an innovation aligns with the growing trend of sustainable tourism and can be easily used as a component of engaging and educational experiences offered to customers.
Renewables; Outdoor Cooking; Solar Energy; Off-Grid Areas; Energy Savings; Educational Experience
Innovator’s website:
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