Engaging and educational activities to nudge staff & customers towards sustainability
Country in which the innovation is available:
Name of the innovation:
Engaging and educational activities to nudge staff & customers towards sustainability
ieber.lv & Efectio
CRT Category:
Client Nudging; Staff Nudging
What is this innovation about?
Ieber.lv, in collaboration with Efectio, offers practical and creative solutions to encourage environmentally friendly behaviour among staff and clients. This includes a 28-day digital program with sustainability-related daily challenges for staff and other initiatives, such as a giant coloring poster based on an engaging fairy tale, designed to educate and inspire families with children to take small steps towards a sustainable lifestyle.
What’s in it for a tourism SME?
Engaging both staff and clients in eco-friendly practices can lead to cost savings through reduced resource consumption and optimised waste management. Additionally, the team challenges are fun and engaging for staff, fostering a collaborative and environmentally conscious workplace culture, making the solution both economically and environmentally beneficial.
Consider that:
Implementing these solutions enhances sustainability and environmental responsibility. They require minimal HR adjustments and a modest investment, but the long-term benefits include reduced operational expenses, enhanced guest experiences and a strengthened business’s reputation. Customizable elements make these initiatives suitable for various tourism businesses.
Sustainable Behaviour; Sustainable Lifestyle; Education; Workplace Culture.
Innovator’s website:
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