Blue Energy: creating electricity from fresh and salt water
Country in which the innovation is available:
The Netherlands
Name of the innovation:
Blue Energy: creating electricity from fresh and salt water
CRT Category:
What is this innovation about?
This experimental technology focuses on generating sustainable energy through a process called Reverse ElectroDialysis (RED), a technology that uses the natural process of mixing fresh and salt water to produce electricity. This system, often called Blue Energy, utilizes ion-exchange membranes to create electrical power by separating the ions in saltwater.
What’s in it for a tourism SME?
This innovative technology has significant potential as a renewable energy source, offering a clean and continuous power supply, thus reducing the reliance on traditional energy sources. It would allow SMEs to lower their carbon footprint, realise potential cost savings and promote eco-friendly practices by integrating Blue Energy into their operations.
Consider that:
In recent years, the REDstack pilot plant on the Afsluitdijk, the Netherlands, has proven that this new technology works and offers opportunities for larger scale use. This energy source is particularly suited for remote areas and coastal regions with access to both fresh and salt water. Nevertheless, the possibilities and requirements for the adoption of this solution by a single tourism SME would need to be discussed with the ‘innovator’.
blue energy, Reverse Electrodialysis, renewable energy, cost savings, eco-friendly practices
Innovator’s website:
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